Attendees all represent end-user roles at the companies that they serve and are in a decision making capacity (ie: CIO, VP IT, or Snr Dir IT).

If you were declined it will be based on your application falling into one of the following categories.

Companies represented within the audience represent organizations with at least 250+ employees as a minimum criteria

Non full-time staff members are permitted meaning we cannot accept consultants or contractors from a company regardless of the companies size.

Former employees or individuals in transition between companies may not attend these events

Solution providers are not permitted to join at attendees in the general audience. Solution provider activity is strictly under the provisions of a sponsorship. 

We were unable to verify your position and responsibilities, or you may have registered with a personal email ID. 

As our events are by invitation only capacity is limited so late registrants may be declined.

Who can attend?

Please Reconsider Me for Approval